Suzie Cheel Art

Art that opens your heart to more love, joy and abundance 

I’m Suzie Cheel. 

I am on a mission to make love go viral 

The more love we have for ourselves  the more Abundance we expereince Overcoming our abundance blocks, embrace ourenoughnesss and manifest the prosperous, balanced life we desire, through using my expertise in the Law of Attraction and my Intuitive Art, my Cards and Readings 

Suzie Cheel

From my earliest years I found joy in creative activity. So imagine how I felt at when, I was 12 I was told I could not join the art class, because “I could not draw”.

Fortunately, that didn’t quench my passion for being creative. I’m a living embodiment of the advice given by the great Dutch artist, Vincent van Gogh: “If a voice within you says, “You cannot paint’, then by all means paint, and that voice will be stilled’”.

Throughout my career as an early childhood teacher and later as a college lecturer, I always had some artistic activity going, starting with Tie Dye, hand weaving and painting.

I had my first exhibition at the age of 20. Then in my 30s, leaving behind all the security and perks of a government college teaching job, I set up my own textile art business.

I was now free to enjoy making art to my heart’s content. I was then to discover the challenges and the satisfaction that came with being an entrepreneur.

Over the next 18 years I created, single-handedly, a successful, multi 5 figure, textile art business. I was designer, creator, producer, marketer, “Head of Sales”, and Chief Fixer of Everything, with my own label, Suzie Cheel Handpainted Originals.

And when in later years I had a life-threatening illness, my art played a key role in my healing process. From that phase and the art I created at the time came my Heart Whisper Daily Guidance Oracle Card deck (See Featured Section).

It warms my heart to know from many comments and testimonials, that these cards and my paintings, help many people deal positively with the challenges life brings.

Many people are not drawn to making the art themselves but want in their lives art that speaks to them and their dreams.

With my Heartscapes, I work with clients to help them discover the power that comes when they fully love and accept themselves.